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Municipalities have a strong set of responsibilities that they must provide to their constituents, to their local businesses and to visitors. Public information must be provided in a widespread fashion, all while maintaining transparency, and all on a budget that makes the taxpayers happy. No easy feat. But now possible with ElementCMScity.

ElementCMScity Features:
  • Bylaw Management
  • Job Posting Engine
  • Public/Media News Releases
  • Events calendar module
  • Street Information
  • Meetings Management
  • Permit Management
  • Parks and Recreation Management
  • Archive Management
ElementCMScity offers municipalities affordable pricing in a variety of models, all while reducing the time needed to complete the work required. This increase in efficiency thereby enables funds to be re-allocated into areas that need it most.

Making information such as bylaws, news releases and job postings available to the public is an important task for municipal governments. Instead of relying on third-party or custom software and plug-ins, ElementCMScity provides these key features seamlessly without any hassle or any change to the look and feel of your website. Adding, changing, and managing information is done through the standard ElementCMScity administration interface and all without your employees needing to know any HTML.

A comprehensive Parks and Recreation management system is another integral part of ElementCMScity. Features in this system include park guides, FAQs, usage restrictions, and more. A recreation registration system allows municipalities to give their residents the ability to signup for programs at their local recreation center through a seamless and secure online system.

An integrated and comprehensive archive system allows for a municipality to provide its residents with a variety of archive resources such as municipality statistics, government records, maps, photographs, news clippings, land use research, and much more. Management of these records is easy using the ElementCMScity administration system. Of course, everything posted is categorized and searchable, making it easy for residents to find the information they are looking for.

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