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Mobea Technologies Inc. is a privately held corporation located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

Mobea is engaged in the research, design and commercialization of Mobile Digital Video Recorder (MDVR) technologies for the surveillance and security industries. A DVR is a digitally based replacement for analog technologies such as Video Cassette Recorders (VCR). DVR technology is a substantial advancement over legacy VCRs in that the quality, integrity and flexibility of the captured and stored data are enhanced. Whereas PC based DVRs have been on the market for several years, the convergence of several hardware and software developments in the market has only recently created the opportunity to produce a Mobile DVR capable of meeting the performance expectations among surveillance and security professionals. Our company is committed to creating technologies that are at the forefront of the DVR market that assist surveillance and security professional perform their jobs.

We employ extensively trained and experienced professionals from a variety of commercial and engineering disciplines. The significant capabilities of team are enhanced by key strategic relationships with a number of technology focused organizations. Please click here (hyper to people) to learn more about some key team members or here (hyper to partners) for more information about our partners.