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Multilingual Capabilities

Localize and Target Content to your Audience
ElementCMS fully supports the global web site, providing powerful multi-lingual and localization features built-in, allowing you to focus on your end-user.

Automatically Replicate Structure of Primary Language
Easily create a new site in another language by activating the replication feature, speeding up the entire site development process.

Support for Multiple languages and International Character Sets
ElementCMS fully supports UTF-8 character encoding, allowing for the creation and publishing of content in any language.

Quick Translation Mode
Enable rapid translation by allowing the translator to view the content to be translated in a dual-screen interface, easing the translation process, and minimizing error.

Synchronize Localized Content
As content is added to a language, ElementCMS will automatically ask to synchronize the content into other related languages, simplifying the localization process, and ensuring that your content is always up-to-date.

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