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About the Client
The University of Ontario: Institute of Technology (UOIT) is a unique and vibrant place, rooted in its community and powered by its people. The University of Ontario: Institute of Technology is Ontario's fastest-growing university, it is a laptop-based university and every student uses a current model IBM laptop to access course materials, conduct research, make presentations and communicate with faculty. The website provides students and faculty with communication and information technologies, multidisciplinary educational software and multimedia to support and enhance teaching and learning.

To ensure that every student and facility member at UOIT can leverage the information necessary for higher education a solution needed to be found that meets the accessibility needs of each stakeholder. University administrator needed to put the best public face forward to attract the best and brightest to one of Canada's newest universities, facility needed to be able to publish research and reach out to interested parties inside the university and outside to the rest of the world, and students needed to able to access course information and make the right decisions about their education

The University of Ontario: Institute of Technology sought a technology solution that would best meet their needs. Accessible by people across the world in as flexible way possible (via XHTML compliant code), able to advertise the courses and events relevant to the life of the university in calendar and list form, and be able to publish time sensitive information each semester and to be reactive to events.

After a lengthy evaluation period, UOIT selected ElementCMS as the web content management system to represent one of Canada's newest university. ElementCMS provided the templating functionality needed for XHTML compliance, the incremental publishing to be able to publish web pages to UOIT's web server, integration to their current applications and a "Made in Canada" solution, dynamic and responsive to their needs.

This project was completed under budget, and deployed to a growing number of contributors. There are over 75 content contributors across various campus departments, responsible for creating and publishing content to the UOIT sites. Most of these contributors have minimal technical expertise, and following basic training, were immediately productive.

Site Information
Site Type: Internet

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E-mail us: Enquiries / Online Demo